Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Why Do I Need Roadside Assistance?

This is something that many may ask when they're going about their daily lives but it really becomes apparent when one breaks down on the side of the road...

...or they run out of gas...

...or a tire decides to go out...

My worst experience didn't come because we didn't have roadside assistance. It was because we had the wrong roadside assistance program.

When choosing a GOOD roadside assistance program, you need to make sure they provide you with things like:

- 100 miles or more in towing
- Emergency room visit reimbursement
- $150 a day for hospital visits
- Bond money in case you go jail for minor traffic violations
- and more

After have the worst roadside experience ever, I started looking for a roadside assistance program that's more fulfilling to my needs.

That ended up being Motor Club of America and you can see what they have to offer in this short video.
Go to if you would like more information on their products and services.